Thursday, July 4, 2013

Chapter 2.2: Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Start off by adding my (+5) for baby Edgar as I forgot to at the end of the last chapter.
Moving right along, Keith tries to get that second baby on the way before the entire house falls apart, but no such luck.

So pretty!

Keith masters the Gardening skill.

And then tries again for baby number two.

Gus that is very inappropriate!

*Had an issue with saving at this point so I apologize if the pictures jump around a bit.*

Off to the fall festival for some apple bobbing.

Then back home for some pumpkin carving.

Elise is back flirting with George.

George is not impressed.

Neither are Keith or Karri.

Happy Birthday Elise.

Keith asks Elise on a date for her birthday, hoping to rekindle their love, but she stands him up and Keith ends up at the theatre all alone.  Alone, that is, until a girl from his past shows up.
Keith: “My tears are like the rain and they just won't stop falling.”

Thinking that his marriage is over, Keith tours the theatre with Marcella.  And one thing led to another…

Afterwards, Keith feels ashamed.

He goes home and begs forgiveness from Elise.

Keith: “You’ve been kissing and flirting with both my brother and father!  I felt stabbed in the back.  I know it’s no excuse and two wrongs don’t make a right, but I want our family to stay together.”

Elise takes a break and plays in the leaves.

Gus and Karri sleep in the same bed.  That must be a good sign.

Happy Birthday Edgar!

Keith starts training Elise to be more athletic.

Keith teaches Edgar to talk (about death).

And one of the causes of death…llamas!

George enjoys the hot tub.

But later when he comes back in for dinner, he has a conversation with Elise.
George: “Elise, how can you be so cruel, my brother loves you.”

Kissing under the mistletoe.

Gus and Karri break up. L
Karri: “This is just not working out Gus.”

Gus: “We can make it work Karri!”

Karri: “No Gus!  We can’t!”
Gus: “My heart is breaking.”

Keith teaches Edgar how to walk.

And tries potty training, but Edgar refuses to learn anything new because he is so upset about his grandparents breaking up.

Karri masters the Gardening skill.

Says a long, heartfelt goodbye to Edgar.

And then moves out at 95 days old.

Goodbye Karri, sorry things didn't work out. L

How heartbroken is Gus?  He immediately heads out on the front porch to flirt…
Gus: “Do you like nachos?”

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