Sunday, July 14, 2013

Chapter 2.3: The End of an Heir-a

*First, just a funny note…
Keith wished to send a text to Edgar??
Keith, I know kids are getting smartphones earlier in life than they used to, but really, I think he’s a little young for technology.

George looks so handsome in his work outfit.

Gus, I think you’re scaring Elise…speaking madness about gemstones.

Finally Keith is able to teach Edgar some things.

Keith continues work on his alchemy.

Figure it’s pretty safe to burn the pile of leaves in the snow seeing as they were starting to smell pretty bad.


Keith managed to convince Elise that the relationship will work out.
Although I think it should be her doing the convincing.
And really, I just couldn’t find him a suitable replacement wife as Marcella aged to elder right after they toured the theatre together. L

Keith: “I know that our relationship has gone cold the last little while.”

Keith: “But we are meant to be together.  Perhaps a tropical vacations together?”

Keith: “You are beautiful Elise.”


More kisses!

Keith: “I got these just for you.”

Keith: “Do you like them?”

Elise: “I love them.  And I love you.”

And so we try again for baby number two…that took a lot of convincing.

Playing with Edgar.

Keith then goes to get some exercise at the gym in the hopes that he might run into some unsuspecting sims to test out some of his elixirs on.

Meanwhile at home, Elise proves that baby number two is on the way.

No one showed up at the gym so Keith headed off to this little café.
Testing elixir.


With interesting results.

Oh my Keith, you’re killing her!
Testing another elixir.

And another.



Keith: “Stop complaining, they’re only bees!”
Keith, I don’t think you needed the megaphone for that.

Full moon…Gus passes away while at the theatre, not really sure what he was doing there, and I wasn’t paying attention, but he was over 97 days old.  He decided that he wanted to be buried with the old van he bought online (Actually, because he had it with him, it never came back to the family.  Guessing because it was bought with LTR points.)

I was very sad that he didn’t pass away with family and only had these two unknown onlookers.

But he does shake hands with death, so guess he had a pretty good life.



  1. Oh no!
    It's always terrible to loose a founder...but you are doing a fantastic job!
