Friday, June 28, 2013

Chapter 2.0: A New Generation

Today is Keith’s birthday and Gus must pass the torch to one of his son’s on their adult birthday.  Will it be Keith’s lucky day?  Will Gus finally be able to move on to rest and relaxation (as if he didn’t already have that, seeing as he never had a job and spent all of his time fishing and gardening).
Gus: “Hey!  I provided for the family.  Sometimes I stood down at the lake in the middle of a blizzard just so I could catch some fish to sell.”
That is true.  But they do say even a bad day fishing is better than a good day working.

Now to decide…do I wait another day for George?
Nope, sorry George, but I’ve never played an alchemist before and I play the military career all the time, but you are welcome to stay living in the house for now, as long as you try and keep the fails to a minimum.

And…drum roll please…welcome to the new torch holder!!!!!!
…and his midlife crisis.  Well don't you look thrilled to be torch holder.

But he is excited to finally use the alchemist table (as he only used it once prior to now).

Gus masters the athletic skill.

Karri loves the family turtle…hopefully it fares better than the family bird did oh so many days ago.

Keith invites over Darla who he has been his romantic interest since prom, but… L

Was going to send him off to University, but unfortunately experienced another glitch where it would just sit on the loading screen forever. L
Sorry Keith, no University for you.
We can work on your midlife crisis wishes though.
Wants to become more muscular…doable.

Wants to plan an outfit…was going to do that anyway.

Well, maybe...

Wants to move to a new house…but just can’t bear to take Gus away from his garden.

Happy Birthday George!

Keith went out on the town, he had heard of how his father had waited until so late in life to have a family that he almost missed seeing his kids grow up; and although Keith had taken some of his younger years to enjoy life, he was an adult now and was ready to settle down and start a family of his own.

He met the lovely lady who works at the Alchemy Shop.

The town seems pretty dead.  Where is everyone?

He did manage to meet Marcela at one of the parks.

And Elise.  Who was the proprietor of one of the karaoke bars.

Keith needed to make friends with a celebrity.  He chatted with her for a while before I remembered that he had made a friendship elixir earlier.

And BAM! Instant friends.

He then meets Edna, who seems to be stalking around the house.
Not sure she's someone you should get involved with Keith.
Keith: "But she's attractive."

Keith: "I think I'll invite her in to play dominoes."
Just please, be careful.

The next day Keith does some gardening.
Keith: "You know, I wanted to move to a new house, but I stayed here so that dad could keep his garden.  You'd think maybe he would work in it once in a while."
Oh well, I'm happy you're gaining some gardening skill.  Not to mention that you need some of the plants for your alchemy recipes.
Keith: "That is true.  You know, for a voice in my head, you are actually pretty sensible."

Let's go back and get to know that Elise girl better.  She seemed nice.
Turns out she's single too.

Elise has a compatible sign. J

Keith: "Elise, I think our hearts are meant to be together."

Keith: "You are more beautiful than the moonlight shimmering on the lake."

Keith: "Please accept these flowers that pale in comparison to your beauty."


Keith: "Elise, would you be my girlfriend?"

That looks like a yes.

Keith: "If you said yes to that, perhaps you'll say yes to this too.  Elise, will you marry me?"

Elise: "OMG!  No one has ever asked me that before!"

Keith: "Is that a yes?"

Elise: "Yes that's a yes!"

Keith: "We're going to be so happy together."

Elise: "I know we will.  Let's get married right here right now."

Keith: "Are you sure you don't want to wait?  Maybe have a bachelorette party?"
Elise: "Yup, I'm sure."

And meet Elise…
Traits: Flirty, Schmoozer, Ambitious, Lucky, Friendly
Likes: Songwriter Music, Crepes, Turquoise
Sign: Aries
LTW: CEO of a Mega-Corporation

Oh goodie, another ambitious sim.


  1. Yay, she's so cute!
    ..Elise, I mean.
    Although I did quite like Marcela's look.
    You're sure going fast!

    1. I liked the look of Marcela also. And actually, she may come back into the story, lol.
